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Holding Space for Pregnancy Loss Training: Advanced Training

Pregnancy related trauma and/or Infant Loss disproportionately impacts the lives of non-white people. In particular, Black, Indigenous and Latinx birth givers are the most vulnerable to the effects of systemic racism, implicit bias, and the entrenched legacy of white supremacy. The experiences of trauma and loss for birthing people of color are vast, yet these stories remain in the margins in our society.

What can birth workers, mental health practitioners, bereaved parents, and activists do to better understand and respond to the pain of pregnancy/infant loss compounded by the pain of racism?

This advanced 8-hour training co-taught by Amy Wright Glenn and Naima Beckles ~ presented live and recorded ~ is designed to support you in your journey of better understanding the intersection of pregnancy and/or infant loss and race.

End of 2020 special ~ All are welcome to register for $100 up until midnight, December 31st.

Register here:

September 29

How are the Kids? Perspectives and Strategies for Parenting During Covid